Wednesday 30 January, 2018
St Exupery Room 17:00 - 18:00
Trends and challenges for autonomous vehicules
Yves Dordet, Aerospace Valley – France
Yves Mathieu (Missions publiques),co-director , France
Jean-Marc Pagliero (Alstom, Solution Director Autonomous Shuttle Systems - Product & Innovation - Systems Platform), France
Christel Seguin (ONERA et SEE), R&D engineer, France
Romain Dupont (LGM - safety expert), France
les Thèmes proposés :
Introduction de la table ronde (Yves Dordet)
le tsunami de la mobilité autonome, débat citoyen sur le véhicule autonome -
Les verrous des véhicules autonomes >> Nouvelle France Industrielle >> Jean François Sencerin
Comment démontrer la sureté de fonctionnement, dans l'automobile, dans l'aéronautique, les transport publiques guidés?
La simulation dans le monde aéronautique, les tendances dans l'automobile
Homologation , parallèle entre aéro , auto et les transport publiques guidés
Architecture safety et démonstration
Interaction véhicule et infrastructure
Thursday 1 February, 2018
St Exupery Room 14:00-15:00
How Machine Learning could be used (or not) for safety-critical applications?
Artificial Intelligence based on technics like machine learning invades all and every domains including transport systems like aircraft, cars, rail, and all critical embedded systems.
In this field of safety critical systems it is more than necessary to demonstrate how to be confident in the results of such complex algorithms used for artificial intelligence.
Therefore we should be able to explain how machine learning works and why it gives results in which we can trust.
Then it would be possible to adapt the current rules and industrial standards used to give confidence to the public and /or to the authorities in charge of approval, e.g. EASA in the avionics context.
Hervé Delseny, Airbus – software aspects of certification - France
Adrien Gauffriau, Airbus, Critical Software engineer and Data Analyst - France
Alexander Rudolph, Continental - safety manager "Chassis & Safety"- Germany
Virginie Wiels, ONERA - head of the Information Processing and Systems Department - France
Xiaowei Huang, Lecturer at University of Liverpool - correctness (e.g., safety, trustworthy, etc) of autonomous systems - UK
Guillaume Soudain, EASA – Software Senior Expert - Germany

January 2020, Wednesday 29 -31
Pierre Baudis Congress Center, Toulouse France
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