Created in 1972 is a French aerospace society. Its mission is to advance the aerospace profession, stimulate progress in the state of the art or aerospace science and technology and represent the profession in public policy discussions.
Unite, share, enlighten and advance: 3AF is a forum for knowledge exchange.
Unite a network of more than 1500 members, 60 companies from the scientific aerospace community.
Share 10 international conferences and symposiums per year, experts publications.
Enlighten A scientific society, an expert pool of knowledge consulted by decision makers and media.
Advance 20 technical commissions which contribute to advancing the aerospace industry.
3AF Groupe Régional Midi Pyrénées
Campus ISAE, 10, avenue Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse - France
Tel : +33(0)5 62 17 52 80
The SEE (the French Electrical, Electronics, and Information & Communication Technologies Society) is a non-profit-making scientific association, directed to the public benefit. The SEE groups its members into 22 Technical Committees and 12 Regional Groups, creating links between them through its Newsletter and website. SEE mission’s is to promote French science and technology, as well as create within these two fields meeting opportunities for industrialists, research scientists, teachers, students and trainee engineers both from France and abroad. The SEE thereby organises and co-organises events in its particular fields of competence. These professional national colloquia deal with particular topics and prospects, as well as major international Conferences. Other events include technical visits, evening lectures and training courses.
17, rue Hamelin
75783 PARIS Cedex 16 – France
Tel : +33(0)1 56 90 37 09 / Fax: +33(0)1 56 90 37 19
Email :
The Société des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile (the French Society of Automotive Engineers) is a society officially considered as serving the public interest. Its purpose is to represent technical excellence in the automobile industry through its expert and knowledge sharing networks. The SIA draws its members from the ranks of automobile engineers and technicians and all those active in promoting automotive engineering. SIA has 2 000 members and a network of over 8 000 engineers, technicians and research workers behind it.
79 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau
92158 Suresnes Cedex – France
Tel.: +33( 1) 41 44 93 70 – Fax: +33 (1) 41 44 93 79
January 2020, Wednesday 29 -31
Pierre Baudis Congress Center, Toulouse France
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