Download the Powerpoint presentations of:
Pascal Traverse
Raja Chatila
Max Lemke
Xavier Leroy
Wednesday 31 January, 2018
St Exupery Room, 11:00 - 11:30 (keynote Address Pascal Traverse)
PASCAL TRAVERSE, General Manager for the Autonomy Thrust, Airbus France

Pascal is General Manager for the Autonomy Thrust at Airbus. A “thrust” represents a top technical focus area for Airbus. The General Manager creates a vision, coordinates R&T activities with the objective to accelerate the increase of knowledge in Airbus.
Before his nomination in May, Pascal was coordinating Airbus Commercial R&T activities related to the cockpit and flight operations. Earlier in his carrier, Pascal participated in the A320/A330/A340/A380 Fly-by-Wire developments, certification harmonization with FAA and EASA, management of Airbus safety activities and even of qualities activities in the A380 Final Assembly Line. Pascal has Master and Doctorate’s degrees in embedded systems from N7 and conducted research in LAAS and UCLA.
Title: Airbus Autonomy Roadmap
Drones are becoming more prevalent in our airspace making it complex to manage.Simultaneously opportunities for introducing Urban Air Mobility within our cities adds a new layer of complexity. Thankfully, several key technologies, such as Machine Learning, are emerging to provide robust solutions to address these challenges.
In front of all these opportunities, Airbus is working to accelerate autonomy in our products.
We’ll go through examples of the challenges aerospace – and thus Airbus - are facing. I’ll go then on a of few applications and then a bit deeper on systems related issues to provide “food for thought” and perhaps “food for future collaboration”.
Wednesday 31 January, 2018
St Exupery Room, 11:30 - 12:00 (keynote Address) and 12:00 - 12:30 (Moderated discussion by Joseph Sifakis)
Raja Chatila, Director of the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR), fRANCE

Raja Chatila, IEEE Fellow, is Professor at Pierre & Marie Curie University in Paris and Director of the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR), as well as of the SMART laboratory of excellence on human-machine interactions. He has served as director of LAAS-CNRS in the years 2007-2010 and as President of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society in the years 2014-2015. His research focus is on intelligent and autonomous robotics and he is author of over 150 publications in the domain. He is a member of the French Commission on the Ethics of Research on Digital Science and Technology (CERNA), and chair of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligence Systems.
Title: Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Ethical, legal and societal issues (ELS) raised by the development of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems have recently gained strong interest both in the general public and in the involved scientific communities. This is motivated by the development of novel applications in several industry and service sectors, often based on deep learning techniques that are prone to data bias, the exploitation of personal data, and to new technologies such as personal robotics, autonomous cars or autonomous weapons. These ELS questions are for instance: the future of employment when AI systems are increasingly used to achieve human tasks, privacy and data protection, surveillance, interaction with vulnerable people, human dignity, imitation of living beings and humans, human augmentation, autonomous decision-making and the possibility of maintaining human control, moral responsibility and legal liability of robots, and the status of robots in society.
These questions sometimes raise classical issues in ethical philosophy and law by transposing them to intelligent machines, but they also pose new problems on which reflection must mobilize interdisciplinary communities in order to grasp globally the scientific, technical, and social aspects. The question in developing theses technologies, which might have an unprecedented impact on our society, is finally about how to make them aligned with the values on which are based human rights and well-being. From the perspective of the designers of such systems, research methodologies and design processes will have to adopt an ethical and responsible approach so that the systems are transparent, explainable and so that they comply with human values. This leads to develop new industrial standards that transform product lifecycle management leading to ethical by design products.These issues will be overviewed in the talk, inspired by the ongoing reflection and work within the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems.
Thursday 1 February, 2018
St Exupery Room, 11:00 - 11:45 (keynote Address)
Max lemke
Head of Unit European Commission CONNECT
Technologies and Systems for Digitising Industry

Dr Max Lemke is the Head of Unit for "Technologies and Systems for Digitising Industry" in Directorate General CONNECT of the European Commission. He has a leading role in developing and coordinating the strategy for Digitising European Industry.
In the European Commission's Research and Innovation Programme HORIZON 2020, Dr Lemke is responsible for the areas embedded and cyber-physical systems, advanced computing, and ICT for manufacturing. He is co-responsible in CONNECT for the Joint Technology Initiative ECSEL (Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership) and the Public Private Partnership Factories of the Future. In the latter context he has gradually built the I4MS initiative (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs). He is particularly devoted to establishing a pan-European network of digital innovation hubs covering all of Europe and to strengthening European leadership on digital industrial value chains and platforms. Dr Lemke has worked in various areas in the European Commission Research and Innovation Programmes since 1995. Before joining the Commission, Max has worked in research and industry in Germany, the US, and the UK. With a Doctorate in Natural Sciences, he has a scientific background in numerical mathematics, parallel computing, and software engineering.
Title: Towards Smart Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems – Horizon 2020 and Beyond
Real time systems are becoming more and more widespread. With the introduction of cyber-physical systems having a high degree of autonomy, real-time response requirements are growing beyond well-known areas like avionics and industrial controls to a wide range of autonomous system in (e.g.) transportation, manufacturing or health. The presentation will discuss how the European Commission supports the development of the digital industrial platforms of the future, through the Horizon 2020 programme, in the context of the "Digitising European Industry" policy initiative.
Friday 2 February, 2018
St Exupery Room, 11:00 - 11:45 (keynote Address)
Xavier Leroy, Senior research scientist, INRIA, fRANCE

Xavier Leroy is a senior research scientist at Inria in Paris where he leads the Gallium research team. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from University Paris 7 in 1992, then spent two years at Stanford University before joining Inria.He participated in the early years of the Trusted Logic start-up company, now part of Gemalto. Dr. Leroy's research focuses on programming languages and tools, and on the formal verification of software using program proof and static analysis. He is the architect and one of the main developers of the OCaml functional programming language and of the CompCert formally-verified C compiler. He is a Fellow of the ACM and received the 2007 Monpetit award from the French Academy of Sciences, the 2012 Verified Software Milestone award from Microsoft Research, and the 2016 Milner award from the Royal Society.
Title: Trust in compilers, code generators, and software verification tools
Abstrast :
A great many tools participate in the construction and verification of critical software, ranging from compilers and code generators to testing infrastructures to static analyzers, model checkers and deductive program verifiers. Can we trust the results of a static analyzer? Is code generated from models always correct? Are there "miscompilation" risks when we take an off-the-shelf C compiler and crank optimizations up? How can we qualify the tools used at levels of assurance appropriate for the target software system? These are difficult questions that are hard to answer using testing only, owing to the algorithmic complexity of these tools and the structural complexity of the data they work on, namely program texts.
After illustrating those difficulties in the case of compilers and static analyzers for the C programming language, the talk will put forward an alternate approach based on formal methods to the problem of building trust in software development tools. Indeed, many of these tools lend themselves to automated or machine-assisted theorem proving, leading to mathematically-strong guarantees of correctness of code generation and soundness of static analysis. Examples of this approach at work include the CompCert ( verified C compiler, the Velus ( verified code generator for the Lustre reactive language, and the Verasco ( verified static analyzer. The talk will discuss some directions towards wider industrial applicability and towards stronger, more end-to-end guarantees.

January 2020, Wednesday 29 -31
Pierre Baudis Congress Center, Toulouse France
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